Thursday, November 20, 2008

it's beginning to look a lot like...

christmas! aaahhh! thanksgiving is only a week away, can you believe it? it seems like as soon as halloween ends, christmas is marketed immediately and we basically skip past thanksgiving and dive straight into christmas. don't get me wrong - i love christmas (really, who doesn't?), but poor thanksgiving has to live in it's shadow. and i'm no help either. i'm beginning my mad flurry of production as i have a few boutiques coming up and prepping for holiday orders and my own handmade gifts i'll be giving. i say this every year, but i really should have started sooner!

this little jar (above) holds my ric rac supply and looks strangely similar to my christmas tree - red, pink, and limey green (and a litle turquoise thrown in for good measure) - so fun!



joy said...

i feel the same way about thanksgiving. and since when did the time between the two get to be so short? remember when we were kids it was forever from thanksgiving until christmas.

Deborah W said...

Yes, I'm sad Thanksgiving gets overpowered, too. I love Thanksgiving way more than Christmas because my entire family gets together and we always have a rousing good time! By contrast, Christmas is much quieter, though special in its own way and for different reasons. Happy Holidays!

Presley Harper said...

Nice sharre